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School Lunches

Hot Lunches

The kitchen staff prepare an excellent cooked lunch each day. The catering provider for the school is Twelve15 and you can find more information at

Lunch money should be paid online via SCOPAY. Once your child is on roll at school you will receive a code to enable you to register for online payments. Lunches should be paid at least weekly in advance but can be paid termly or half-termly.

All children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to a free school meal, and we encourage all children to take this offer up. Children of parents on a low income in KS2 may also be entitled to a free school meal. Please contact the School Office for further information.

Packed Lunches

Children in KS2 may bring a packed lunch. Children in Reception and KS1 with severe allergies or dietary requirements that cannot be met through school lunches, can consult with the Head Teachers to request that their child brings a packed lunch.   

We encourage healthy eating. We are a nut free school, so we do not allow nuts or nut products in packed lunches.

Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day and should bring in their own labelled water bottle.