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Welcome to the Governors’ section of our website, which aims to introduce you to the governing body at our school.

St. Andrew's is a member of the Enlighten Learning Trust, a Multi Academy Trust, of which Esher Church of England High School is also part.

We are very proud of our community and faith heritage and exist to serve the children of our local community in Cobham.  Our governors are drawn from all areas of our community; Parents, Staff, Church and the wider community.  Our primary role of a governor is to oversee the delivery of an excellent education and pastoral care to all our pupils.  To ensure that both staff and pupils have a safe and creative environment in which to work and learn and to engage with our wider community.  We are supported by Enlighten Learning Trust in our work as governors.

As Chair of the Governors at St. Andrew's I send a warm welcome and invite you visit our school and learn more about life at St. Andrew's, our improving academic achievement, sporting success and the wide range of extracurricular activities we offer.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school 

 Mike Branscombe

Chair of Governors

St. Andrew's Church of England School